Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




Just A Thought; Christmas Grace!

December 13, 2015 0 comments

Posted in: Just a Thought

 “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.” - John1:17

You guys know that I really like Cheetos. Truth be told I like salty things more that sweet things. However, I’m finding that, as I get older, I am beginning to like it all! But I am a big fan of salt. Not a day goes by at our house that Mary doesn’t hear me say what do we have that has some salt in it? Pass the salt please! "What in the world does salt have to do with John 1:17 - grace and truth?", you ask. Well, I'll tell you.
As you may remember from chemistry class, salt is a combination of sodium and chlorine. While sodium is a harmless active element, chlorine is a poisonous gas - it's actually what gives bleach that yucky smell. Interestingly, when the two elements are combined, they produce salt - a substance, which we all know, is used to preserve and bring out the flavor in food.
In the same way, if we present the truth of the Gospel without grace, it often produces a very offensive and sometimes poisonous effect on those who hear it. However, if we combine the two, we'll be able to preserve and bring out the delicious flavor of our faith! Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, the scripture says. How much more should we approach the world around us with these two important components?
Have you been struggling to convey the Gospel in an effective way? Perhaps you need more grace... or maybe more truth? Let's give our efforts to the Lord and ask Him to help us spice it up the way He likes! There's so much work to be done!

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