Sunday Worship begins 9:45 am




Just A Thought: Used for a MIGHTY Kingdom

July 12, 2015 0 comments

Posted in: Just a Thought

2 Corinthians 6:16 "What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, “I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.""

According to an ancient Jewish legend, Abraham was allowed to see his father Terah's room of many idols. Young Abraham, thinking that perhaps he could develop a relationship with them, made a great meal and placed it before the idols. When nothing happened, he realized that these idols were nothing more than clay - they were worthless. So he proceeded to destroy all the idols, except for one.
When Terah heard what he had done he went to Abraham and said, "Son, what did you do to my idols?!" "I brought them food," Abraham replied, "and then the biggest idol became envious of the others, and destroyed them all." Terah, furious with Abraham, said, "You're lying to me! How can idols that I made by my own hands do such things?" "You're right." Replied Abraham, "So tell me, why do we worship idols that can’t eat, drink or even move?"
Idol worship may sound far removed from us, but we too, have our idols. They may not be made of clay but they’re very real! The love of money, possessions, success, leisure, food, sensuality, security and outward beauty - the love of tradition and even our friends and family - the pursuit of our goals and dreams are among some just off the top of my head. Most of these are not bad, but if we’re not careful, they can all easily become idols in our lives!
What is it we love? What takes up the majority of our time, effort, and resources? These are our idols. Anything that we allow to run our life becomes our god. There is only One God we ought to be worshiping – Let’s focus on Him.

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